Estate planning Q&A: Qualified Personal Residence Trusts Explained

April 29, 2024 | by RSM US LLP

Many people want their loved ones to inherit their home after they are gone. However, leaving the value of your home in your estate can contribute to a high estate tax bill. Qualified Personal Residence Trusts (QPRT) can be a valuable tool to make a lifetime transfer of your home to your family, still enjoy the home during your life, and potentially reduce your estate taxes.

What is a QPRT?

A QPRT is an irrevocable trust designed to reduce the amount of gift and estate taxes typically incurred when transferring a personal residence to beneficiaries. By transferring your home into a QPRT, you can continue living in it for a specified term while passing it on to your heirs at a reduced transfer tax cost. The essence of a QPRT lies in its ability to freeze (for estate tax purposes) the value of your home at the time of the trust’s creation, potentially shielding any future appreciation from estate taxes.

What are the requirements for establishing a QPRT?

  • Generally, the personal residence must be the sole asset of the trust.
  • You decide on a fixed term (e.g., 5, 10, 20 years) during which you retain the right to live in the home. After this term, the residence passes to the beneficiaries designated in the trust. You may live in the home after the term, but you must pay rent to retain the estate tax advantages.
  • Once established, the terms of the QPRT cannot be altered, and residence cannot be taken back

What are the benefits of setting up a QPRT?

  • When you transfer your home into a QPRT, the value of the gift used for gift tax reporting purposes is calculated based on the current value of your home minus the value of your retained interest in living there for the term of the QPRT. Thus, the value of the gift is less than an outright gift.
  • Any appreciation in your home’s value during and after the term occurs outside of your estate, potentially saving on future estate taxes. 
  • Payment of rent after the term is not considered a gift to the other QPRT beneficiaries.
  • If necessary, the residence can be sold while it is owned by the QPRT.

What are the potential downsides of setting up a QPRT?

  • If you die during the QPRT term, the entire home is included in your estate.
  • Transfers made during life generally mean a carryover basis for your beneficiaries, leaving them with the burden of potential capital gains if they sell. If a QPRT is not utilized and the asset is included in your estate, there may be a step-up in basis, potentially avoiding capital gains.
  • The payment of rent after the term can cause additional complications, such as determining the fair market rent, cash flow issues for the renter, or disagreements among family members.
  • QPRTs may not be an efficient tool for multigenerational transfers because you cannot allocate your available generation-skipping tax exemption to the transfer until the end of the term, when values have likely increased.
  • You must file a gift tax return and obtain a professional appraisal to establish the transferred interest’s value for transfer tax purposes.

Is a QPRT right for you?

QPRTs offer a strategic way to pass a valuable asset to your loved ones. However, the decision to use a QPRT requires careful consideration of its benefits and limitations. In addition, it is important to properly administer QPRTs to avoid IRS scrutiny. By understanding the requirements, advantages, and potential downsides, you can make an informed decision about whether a QPRT is right for your estate planning needs. As always, consult with your RSM tax advisor to tailor a strategy that best suits your situation and goals.

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This article was written by Scott Filmore, Amber Waldman and originally appeared on 2024-04-29. Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
© 2024 RSM US LLP. All rights reserved.

RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent assurance, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International.

The journey to 2025 tax reform begins

April 29, 2024 | by RSM US LLP

Executive summary:

House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO)  and House Tax Subcommittee Chairman Mike Kelly (R-PA) recently announced the formation of 10 “Committee Tax Teams”.  Each team will address key tax provisions from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) that are set to expire in 2025 and identify legislative solutions that seek to help many taxpayers.

Tax policy and potential legislation will be top of mind for many as we move closer to the expiration of many TCJA provisions.

The journey to 2025 tax reform begins

Last week, House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith and House Tax Subcommittee Chairman Mike Kelly announced the formation of 10 “Committee Tax Teams”. Each committee is comprised of Republican Ways and Means Committee members tasked with identifying legislative solutions to various policy areas that will be part of discussions as we approach the expiration of several provisions from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) at the end of 2025.

While not unexpected, the announcement loosely resembles a similar action taken in 2017 as Congress began deliberations leading to the enactment of the TCJA. It is noteworthy that there are no Democratic members assigned to these teams.

It is important to keep in mind that the advancement of Republican and Democratic priorities will be largely dependent upon the results of the upcoming presidential and congressional elections later this year. While policymakers will face pressure to reach a consensus on extending the sunsetting provisions, the outcome of the election will significantly determine how both the process moves forward and the outcome of that process.

Key TCJA-related provisions that are scheduled to change after 2025 going into 2026 include:

  • An increase in the top individual tax rate from 37% to 39.6%
  • A decrease (by roughly 50%) in the standard deduction amount
  • A decrease (by roughly 50%) in the estate tax exemption amount
  • A return of personal exemptions for taxpayers and dependents
  • Changes to various itemized deductions and the alternative minimum tax – including the elimination of the $10,000 State and Local Tax (SALT) cap
  • Expiration of the Section 199A pass-through deduction (allowing for a 20% deduction of qualified business income)
  • An increase in the Base Erosion and Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT) rate from 10% to 12.5%
  • The research credit no longer being a benefit for any BEAT taxpayers
  • An increase in the Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) tax rate
  • The Foreign-Derived Intangible Income (FDII) benefit becoming less generous.

It is important to realize that the TCJA enacted a number of permanent tax law changes, such as a reduction in the statutory corporate tax rate, and substantive changes to the way international corporations are taxed. Even though those provisions are permanent, they will be part of the upcoming tax reform debate and are subject to change as part of the upcoming tax reform process. There are also a number of other non-TCJA extenders that have either expired or are due to expire, as well as a broad array of tax proposals that were part of the Build Back Better deliberations a few years ago but which did not ultimately become enacted into law. All of these provisions are on the table, as are the tax provisions that were enacted as part of the Inflation Reduction Act – including the corporate alternative minimum tax, the stock buy back excise tax, and numerous alternative energy tax incentives.

Attached below are the Tax Team Assignments. We will continue to monitor events as they evolve. For more information, see the Ways and Means Committee Press Release.

Attachment: Tax Team Assignments

Area of Focus



American Manufacturing

Rep. Buchan

  • Rep. Murphy*
  • Rep. Arrington
  • Rep. Tenney
  • Rep. Malliotakis

Working Families

Rep. Fitzpatrick

  • Rep. Malliotakis*
  • Rep. Moore
  • Rep. Steel
  • Rep. Carey

American Workforce

Rep. LaHood

  • Rep. Carey*
  • Rep. Wenstrup
  • Rep. Smucker
  • Rep. Fitzpatrick


Rep. Smucker

  • Rep. Steube*
  • Rep. Buchanan
  • Rep. A. Smith
  • Rep. Arrington
  • Rep. Van Duyne

New Economy

Rep. Schweikert

  • Rep. Van Duyne*
  • Rep. Murphy
  • Rep. Tenney
  • Rep. Steel

Rural America

Rep. Adrian Smith

  • Rep. Fischbach*
  • Rep. Feenstra*
  • Rep. Kustoff
  • Rep. Steube

Community Development

Rep. Kelly

  • Rep. Tenney*
  • Rep. LaHood
  • Rep. Moore
  • Rep. Carey

Supply Chain

Rep. Miller

  • Rep. Kustoff*
  • Rep. Wenstrup
  • Rep. Ferguson
  • Rep. Fishbach
  • Rep. Feenstra


Rep. Estes

  • Rep. Steel*
  • Rep. Schweikert
  • Rep. Ferguson
  • Rep. Hern
  • Rep. Murphy

Global Competitiveness

Rep. Hern

  • Rep. Moore*
  • Rep. Kelly
  • Rep. Estes
  • Rep. Miller
  • Rep. Feenstra

*Denotes Vice-Chair

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This article was written by Fred Gordon, Tony Coughlan and originally appeared on 2024-04-29. Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
© 2024 RSM US LLP. All rights reserved.

RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent assurance, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International.

The information contained herein is general in nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. RSM US LLP guarantees neither the accuracy nor completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for results obtained by others as a result of reliance upon such information. RSM US LLP assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in tax laws or other factors that could affect information contained herein. This publication does not, and is not intended to, provide legal, tax or accounting advice, and readers should consult their tax advisors concerning the application of tax laws to their particular situations. This analysis is not tax advice and is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer.

Understanding energy rebates tax treatment

April 29, 2024 | by RSM US LLP

Executive summary

The IRS released new guidelines regarding the tax treatment with respect to Department of Energy (DOE) Home Energy Rebate Programs funded by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. According to the guidelines, homeowners who receive rebates should consider them as purchase price adjustments which are not includible in their gross income. On the other hand, businesses that receive rebates in connection with the sale of goods or provision of services to a purchaser must report them as taxable income. Additionally, those who are eligible for DOE rebates and section 25C credits must make necessary reductions to their expenditures eligible for the section 25C credit. This will promote sustainable investments and encourage people to adopt energy efficient measures.

The IRS recently issued Announcement 2024-19, which provides a detailed explanation of the federal income tax treatment of rebates under the Department of Energy (DOE) Home Energy Rebate Programs (a program established under the 2022. This guidance outlines the program’s background, specifies the tax implications for purchasers and businesses, and explains how these rebates interact with other tax credits.

The DOE Home Energy Rebate Programs encourage homeowners to invest in energy-efficient home improvements and electrification projects. By allocating funds for rebate programs focused on whole-house energy savings and high-efficiency electrification, the Act seeks to alleviate the energy burden on low-income households and foster sustainable energy practices.

Tax implications for homeowners

Under the announcement, rebates received by homeowners for whole-house energy-savings retrofits or qualified electrification projects are treated as purchase price adjustments. This classification significantly lowers the financial barrier to energy-efficient home upgrades by ensuring these rebates do not contribute to the homeowner’s gross income, which is in line with previous tax rulings and policies promoting energy conservation. Taxpayers, however, must reduce their cost basis in the property by the amount of the rebate.

Rebate payments to homeowners, recognized as adjustments to the purchase price, are exempt from information reporting requirements under section 6041 of the Code. Consequently, the entity issuing the rebate is not obligated to submit an information return to the IRS or provide the purchaser with a statement detailing the rebate payments.

Tax implications for businesses

Unlike individual homeowners, business entities must include rebate amounts in their gross income. The announcement also clarifies reporting requirements for organizations that make the rebate payment and when such reporting under section 6041 of the Code is required.

Understanding the inclusion or exclusion of rebates in gross income

The tax treatment of rebates, as detailed in Rev. Ruls. 91-36 and 76-96, provides crucial context for why rebates are treated differently in the tax code. Rev. Ruls. 91-36, for instance, highlights that noncash incentives from utility companies for participating in energy conservation programs are not considered part of the taxpayer’s gross income. Similarly, Rev. Ruls. 76-96 states that cash rebates from automobile manufacturers reduce the vehicle’s purchase price and are not taxable income.

Both rulings highlight a fundamental principle: rebates that effectively reduce the purchase price of a product or service are not to be treated as taxable income. For taxpayers, this means that such rebates lower the out-of-pocket costs for certain purchases without increasing their tax liabilities. For businesses, particularly those receiving rebates, these amounts are recognized in the taxpayer’s gross income under section 61. This treatment ensures that the economic reality of rebate transactions is accurately reflected in tax calculations.

Coordination with the section 25C Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit

Recipients of DOE Home Energy Rebate Programs must account for these rebates when calculating the section 25C credit, ensuring that the rebate amount reduces the total amount of qualified expenditures. This adjustment is crucial for taxpayers eligible for both DOE rebates and the section 25C credit, ensuring that they do not receive a double benefit and that tax incentives accurately reflect their actual investment in energy efficient property.

Washington National Tax Takeaways

Key takeaways include understanding the favorable tax treatment of energy-efficient upgrades for homeowners who benefit from rebates not being treated as taxable income. This effectively lowers the cost of such improvements, encouraging greener living without the burden of increased taxes. On the business side, entities must incorporate received rebates into their gross income.

The detailed guidance ensures that individuals and businesses can navigate these incentives effectively, maximizing the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on the nation’s transition to a more energy-efficient and sustainable future. It highlights the government’s effort to incentivize energy efficiency through tax benefits, offering a financial boost to those investing in sustainable home solutions.

The IRS recently updated its FAQ document (Fact Sheet 2024-15) to address the guidance in Announcement 2024-19 on the federal income tax treatment of these incentives.

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Call us at (209) 577-4800 or fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your specific situation.

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This article was written by Kate Abdoo, Ryan Corcoran, Sara Hutton, Brent Sabot and originally appeared on 2024-04-29. Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
© 2024 RSM US LLP. All rights reserved.

RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent assurance, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International.

The information contained herein is general in nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. RSM US LLP guarantees neither the accuracy nor completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for results obtained by others as a result of reliance upon such information. RSM US LLP assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in tax laws or other factors that could affect information contained herein. This publication does not, and is not intended to, provide legal, tax or accounting advice, and readers should consult their tax advisors concerning the application of tax laws to their particular situations. This analysis is not tax advice and is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer.

Posted in Tax

Credits and incentives available to retirement plan sponsors

March 25, 2024 | by RSM US LLP

Executive summary: Credits for retirement plan sponsors

Continued concerns by congressional leaders for employees to attain retirement security have led to legislative changes intended to make it more affordable for certain employers to sponsor a retirement plan. Non-refundable credits were already in place to help employers offset the administrative cost of implementing and maintaining a retirement plan, but the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 (SECURE 2.0) enhanced an existing credit and introduced new start-up and military spouse credits to incentivize plan sponsors to maintain plans and make their setup and operation more feasible. SECURE 2.0 also provides plan sponsors the ability to use de minimis financial incentives to entice employees to elect to defer. The IRS provided additional guidance on these credits and financial incentives in Notice 2024-2.

Startup plan tax credits

Small employer pension plan startup cost tax credit

SECURE 2.0 expanded the already available small employer pension plan startup cost tax credit to make implementing a retirement plan more attractive to a small employer. A small employer in this context is an employer with 100 or fewer employees who earned at least $5,000 in the prior tax year. Employees of employers related to the sponsoring employer under the controlled and affiliated service group aggregation rules are considered for this purpose. Historically, small employers could claim a nonrefundable credit for 50% of the cost to set up and administer a retirement plan, up to a maximum of $5,000. Costs paid by the employer, not the plan, are considered for purposes of the credit. The credit has been increased to 100% for employers with 50 or fewer employees earning at least $5,000 in the prior tax year, beginning in 2023. The 50% credit still applies for employers with 51 to 100 employees. Generally, the credit can be claimed for the first three years the plan is in operation. Amounts claimed towards the credit cannot also be deducted as an expense on the employer’s return. The employer can elect whether it takes the credit each year, so if an employer does not claim the credit for a given year, the costs may be deducted. Since the credit is nonrefundable, it is not beneficial for tax-exempt and governmental employers.

Additional credit for employer contributions

Small employers who meet the criteria of the small employer pension plan startup cost tax credit also have the opportunity to receive an additional credit for employer contributions (e.g., profit-sharing or match) made to a new defined contribution plan, for taxable years beginning after Dec. 31, 2022. The credit, which is available for up to five years, is 100% of employer contributions (up to $1,000 per eligible employee) in the year a plan is established and the next, 75% in the third year, 50% in the fourth year, and 25% in the fifth year. For an employer with more than 50 employees in the prior year, the credit is reduced two percentage points for each employee in excess of 50 (i.e., if the employer had 60 employees, the credit would be reduced by 20%). Contributions to employees with more than $100,000 in compensation cannot be taken into account for the credit. Even with the limitations on this credit, it provides a potentially significant tax savings opportunity for small employers.

Auto-enrollment credit

Although not new with SECURE 2.0, another credit to keep in mind is the auto-enrollment credit, which allows a $500 credit for a three-year period, beginning in the year a small employer implements an auto-enrollment provision in their retirement plan. Auto-enrollment is a provision that enrolls eligible employees into a retirement plan at a specific deferral rate, unless the employee elects a different deferral rate or not to defer.


To conceptualize the credits potentially available, consider a 401(k) plan with an auto-enrollment provision effective in 2022 by an employer with less than 50 employees in every year.

Tax year

Credit for
Startup Costs

Credit for Eligible
Employer Contributions

Credit for
Auto Enrollment

1st Credit Year


50% up to $5,000



2nd Credit Year


100% up to $5,000



3rd Credit Year


100% up to $5,000



4th Credit Year





5th Credit Year





Military spouse credit

A new credit, effective for taxable years beginning after Dec. 29, 2022, was born out of concern for military spouses who may not be able to participate in a retirement plan or may not become vested in their employer account within a retirement plan due to the need to frequently relocate. During each of the first three years in which a non-highly compensated military spouse participates in a defined contribution plan, SECURE 2.0 provides a tax credit of $200 for the military spouse’s participation plus an added credit of up to $300 for employer contributions made to the plan on behalf of the military spouse, subject to certain conditions. Conditions that must be met to qualify for the credit are:

  • The military spouse must be allowed to participate in the plan within two months of employment.
  • The military spouse must be immediately eligible for employer contributions at a rate at least as favorable as an employee who is not a military spouse would receive after two years of service.
  • Employer contributions to the military spouse are immediately fully vested.

Small employers should keep in mind that the credit is based on each military spouse’s first three years of plan participation. Since each spouse could have a different three-year period, tracking the credit available for each year will require appropriate administrative measures.

Financial incentives for participants

Employers of all sizes often look for ways to increase the number of employees who elect to defer to a retirement plan. Historically, this has been in the form of targeted communication campaigns and financial literacy education of eligible employees. Beginning in 2023, SECURE 2.0 provided a new tool employers can use to entice employees to elect to defer. A de minimis financial incentive (not paid for with plan assets) can be offered to eligible employees who make a deferral election, provided they do not already have an election to defer on record.

In Notice 2024-2, the IRS noted a financial incentive will be considered de minimis if it does not exceed $250 in value. For example, as noted in the guidance, “if an employer announces on Feb. 1, 2024, that any employee for whom an election to defer under a CODA is not in effect on that date and who, within the next 90 days, makes an election to defer, will receive a $200 gift card, then the gift card is a de minimis financial incentive…”

Unless an exception is provided under the Internal Revenue Code, the financial incentive is considered includable in an employee’s wages and is subject to applicable employment tax withholding and reporting. For example, a gift card is a cash equivalent and considered to be a taxable fringe benefit. Therefore, no exception is available in this example and the value of the gift card is taxable compensation to the employee.


SECURE 2.0 expanded opportunities for employers to establish and operate retirement plans, especially for small employers. There are nuances involved in determining whether the credits are available and how the credit amounts are calculated. For example, specific criteria are applied to determine who is an eligible employer, how compensation is determined for the thresholds discussed, and to which years the credits can apply. RSM US can assist in evaluating credits or financial incentives available to employers sponsoring retirement plans, as well as for consulting on other retirement plan matters.

Stay tuned for other retirement plan topics each month and check out our previous article, Retirement plan audit and contribution considerations.

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This article was written by Christy Fillingame, Lauren Sanchez, Toby Ruda and originally appeared on 2024-03-25. Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
© 2024 RSM US LLP. All rights reserved.

RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent assurance, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International.

The information contained herein is general in nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. RSM US LLP guarantees neither the accuracy nor completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for results obtained by others as a result of reliance upon such information. RSM US LLP assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in tax laws or other factors that could affect information contained herein. This publication does not, and is not intended to, provide legal, tax or accounting advice, and readers should consult their tax advisors concerning the application of tax laws to their particular situations. This analysis is not tax advice and is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer.

Are you ready for USDA’s new organic certification requirements?

March 15, 2024 | by RSM US LLP

To improve traceability and detect and protect organic integrity across the supply chain, the United States Department of Agriculture created the National Organic Program (NOP) Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rule, which will become effective on March 19, 2024. This means all organic imports into the United States must be declared as such and contain an associated NOP import certificate. Importers and exporters of organic products who sell, process, treat, pack, containerize, repackage, label or store agricultural products, regardless of the product packaging, must have organic certifications and be listed on an NOP import certificate. Food and beverage companies must take note and address this new rule.

Each certificate must have a unique identification number to provide an auditable record trail of the import, supporting traceability and verification of organic integrity as products travel from a certified organic exporter outside the U.S. to a certified U.S. importer. Certificates must contain detailed information about the quantity and origin of organic products being imported into the U.S. The importer or its customs broker must enter the NOP import certificate number into the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) system to associate the shipment details in ACE with the import certificate information.

Pursuant to 7 CFR § 205.101 of the rule, the following operations are exempt from these requirements but must still comply with organic production and handling as well as applicable labeling requirements:

  • Production or handling operations that sell agricultural products as “organic” but whose gross agricultural income from organic sales totals $5,000 or less annually
  • Retail establishments that do not process organically produced agricultural products
  • Retail establishments that process, at the point of final sale, agricultural products certified as “100% organic,” “organic,” or “made with organic (specified ingredients or food group(s))”
  • Handling operations that only handle agricultural products that contain less than 70% organic ingredients or that only identify organic ingredients on the information panel
  • Operations that only receive, store and/or prepare for shipment, but do not otherwise handle, organic agricultural products that are enclosed or will remain in sealed, tamper-evident packages or containers prior to being received or acquired by the operation
  • Operations that only buy, sell, receive, store and/or prepare for shipment, but do not otherwise handle, organic agricultural products already labeled for retail sale that are enclosed or will remain in sealed, tamper-evident packages or containers that are labeled for retail sale prior to being received or acquired by the operation and are not otherwise handled while in the control of the operation
  • Operations that only arrange for the shipping, storing, transport or movement of organic agricultural products but do not otherwise handle organic products

To obtain certification, the exporter must request an NOP import certificate from their certifier. They must identify products as organic on all export documents such as invoices, packing lists, bills of lading and U.S. Customs entry data and provide the NOP import certificate to the importer. The exporter must also verify that the product has not been exposed to a prohibited substance, treated with a prohibited substance because of fumigation, or treated with ionizing radiation at any point in the products’ movements across the country border.

Similarly, importers must ensure that they have accurate NOP import certificates and ensure products are identified as organic on all import documentation and customs entry data. They must maintain import documents and provide them during inspections. Importers also must verify that shipments do not come into contact with prohibited substances or be exposed to ionizing radiation since export and have a documented organic control system to conduct this verification.

Recommended next steps

U.S. food and beverage importers should take immediate action to comply with the SOE rule by taking the following steps:

  • Review the SOE final rules
  • Determine if operations meet the new rule requirements
  • Obtain NOP import certificates for applicable products
  • Develop a formal organic control program
  • Audit internal processes and documentation to ensure compliance

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Call us at (209) 577-4800 or fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your specific situation.

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This article was written by Jodi Ader and originally appeared on 2024-03-15. Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
© 2024 RSM US LLP. All rights reserved.

RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent assurance, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International.

The IRS urges businesses to review ERC claims for 7 common red flags

February 26, 2024 | by RSM US LLP

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) provided a refundable employment tax credit for eligible employers experiencing economic hardship, generally for wages paid between March 13, 2020 through Sept. 30, 2021. While the program provided necessary economic relief for employers experiencing financial hardship related to COVID-19, the Service was eventually inundated with claims by applicants that were either not eligible for relief or claimed an excessive amount of ERC. Many applicants were misled into claiming ERC because of aggressive marketing by third party promoters.

The Service is responding to the influx of dubious claims by aggressively targeting ERC claims for audit, placing a moratorium on the processing of new claims and launching criminal investigations on promoters and businesses associated with improper claims. 

The Service recently advised businesses to revisit their eligibility before March 22, 2024. The more beneficial ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program remains open only until March 22, 2024 for taxpayers that previously claimed and received the ERC but have now determined they were ineligible for some or all quarters. The voluntary disclosure program gives taxpayers an opportunity to repay only 80% of the erroneous ERC received and avoid certain penalties and interest while providing protection against future audit of the employment tax returns at issue. 

An employer may enter the ERC Withdrawal Program to avoid potential penalties and interest if the ERC refund has not yet been paid by the IRS but the employer now believes it is ineligible (or partially ineligible). An employer may only withdraw a claim if it has not been selected for an IRS examination. The ERC withdrawal program continues to be effective even after March 22, 2024.

With the March 22, 2024 deadline quickly approaching, the Service encourages employers to carefully review their ERC claims while there is still time to voluntarily disclose errors under the most beneficial program. 

The agency also alerted employers of seven common signs that a claim may be incorrect:

  1. Too many quarters being claimed.  It is uncommon for a taxpayer to qualify for ERC for all quarters that the credit was available. Employers are urged to carefully review their eligibility for each quarter, especially if they are asserting eligibility under the government orders test rather than the gross receipts test. Even employers satisfying the gross receipts test may need to examine eligibility if they are a large employer who must establish wages claimed for ERC were paid for the nonperformance of service.
  2. Government orders that do not qualify. To claim the ERC under the government order test,
    1. The government orders impacting the employer’s operations must have been in effect and the operations must have been fully or partially suspended because of the government order during the period for which they are claiming the credit,
    2. The government order must be due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and
    3. The order must be a government order, as opposed to guidance, a recommendation or statement.
  3. Too many employees and wrong calculations.  Employers need to meet certain rules for wages to be considered qualified wages, depending on the tax period. As the law changed throughout 2020 and 2021, the credit is likely to be overclaimed if the same credit amount is used across multiple tax periods for each employee. In addition, large eligible employers must follow a set of additional rules when calculating eligible wages that can be complex. 
  4. Business citing supply chain issues. A supply chain disruption alone does not qualify an employer for ERC. Employers need to carefully review the rules on supply chain issues to ensure eligibility.
  5. Business claiming ERC for too much of a tax period. Businesses should review their claim for overstated qualifying wages as it is uncommon to qualify for ERC for the entire calendar quarter if their business operations were suspended due to a government order during only a portion of a calendar quarter.
  6. Business did not pay wages or did not exist during eligibility period. Employers can only claim ERC for tax periods in which they were in existence and paid wages to employees. Businesses should confirm they only submitted claims for tax periods for which they can verify that employees were paid and the business was ongoing.
  7. ERC promoter claims there is nothing to lose.  Businesses that were told applying for the ERC presented no risk should carefully review their claims for eligibility. Incorrect ERC claims risk repayment, penalties, interest, and audit.

If an employer determines their claim was ineligible or partially ineligible, they should consult with a tax professional about taking advantage of the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program or the ERC Withdrawal Program as soon as possible.

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This article was written by Alina Solodchikova, Karen Field , Marissa Lenius, Tiffany Mosely and originally appeared on 2024-02-26. Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
© 2024 RSM US LLP. All rights reserved.

RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent assurance, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International.

The information contained herein is general in nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. RSM US LLP guarantees neither the accuracy nor completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for results obtained by others as a result of reliance upon such information. RSM US LLP assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in tax laws or other factors that could affect information contained herein. This publication does not, and is not intended to, provide legal, tax or accounting advice, and readers should consult their tax advisors concerning the application of tax laws to their particular situations. This analysis is not tax advice and is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer.

Beneficial Ownership Information – New Report Requirements

February 07, 2024 | by Atherton & Associates, LLP


New Beneficial Ownership Information Report Requirements


As part of the federal government’s anti-money laundering and anti-tax evasion efforts, they are attempting to look beyond shell companies that are set up to hide money. Under the Corporate Transparency Act, corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), limited partnerships, and other entities that file formation papers with a state’s Secretary of State’s office (or similar government agency) are required to file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOI) with the U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). This report provides specified information regarding the entity’s “beneficial owners.”

Beneficial owners are broadly defined and involve owners who directly or indirectly own more than 25% of the entity’s ownership interests or exercise substantial control over the reporting company (even if they do not have an actual ownership interest). While this may seem to only impact a few significant owners, it can encompass many senior officers of the business as well as those individuals who participate in any significant business decisions (e.g., board members). Given the severity of the fines, it may be safer to err on the side of over-inclusion rather than under-inclusion.

For entities formed after 2023, information must be provided about the company applicants (the person who files the formation/registration papers and the person primarily responsible for directing or controlling the filing of the documents). The types of information required (and kept current) for these beneficial owners include the owner’s legal name, residential address, date of birth, and unique identifier number from a nonexpired passport, driver’s license, or state identification card. The entity will also need to provide an image of any of these forms of documentation to FinCEN for all beneficial owners.

There are various company types that are exempt from this filing. They include: 

  • Securities reporting issuer
  • Governmental authority
  • Bank
  • Credit Union
  • Money services business
  • Depository institution holding company
  • Broker or dealer in securities
  • Securities exchange or clearing agency
  • Other Exchange Act registered entity
  • Venture capital fund adviser
  • Investment company or investment adviser
  • Insurance company
  • State-licensed insurance producer
  • Commodity Exchange Act registered entity
  • Accounting firm
  • Public utility
  • Financial market utility
  • Pooled investment vehicle
  • Tax-exempt entity
  • Entity assisting a tax-exempt entity
  • Subsidiary of certain exempt entities
  • Inactive entity


If your entity does not fall into one of the categories above, you may still be exempt if your entity is considered a “large operating company.” The IRS defines a large operating company as an entity:

  • With 20 full-time U.S. employees. A full-time employee is an employee who is employed an average of at least 30 hours per week. Employer aggregation rules do not apply
  •  With a U.S. physical office; and
  • That filed a federal income tax return in the prior year with more than $5 million in US gross receipts or sales (determined on a consolidated basis for taxpayers filing consolidated returns). Receipts or sales from outside the U.S. are excluded in determining the $5 million threshold.

All three of the rules above must apply to you at all times in order to be exempt from filing. So, if your employee count falls under twenty, you are required to report.

Entities in existence prior to January 1, 2024, have until January 1, 2025, to file these reports. However, entities formed in 2024 will have 90 days from the entity’s formation/registration to file these reports. The deadline changes to within 30 days of formation after 2024. If any of the reported information changes or a beneficial ownership interest is sold or transferred, the entity must report this information within 30 days of the change or face the potential of having the penalties described above imposed. Changes include reporting a beneficial owner’s change of address or name, a new passport number when a passport is replaced or renewed or providing a copy of a renewed driver’s license.

The BOI report must be completed electronically through the FINCEN’s secure filing system called “BOSS,” (Beneficial Ownership Secure System). 

Unfortunately, we understand that this will impose burdensome reporting requirements on most businesses, but the willful failure to report information and timely update any changed information can result in significant fines of up to $500 per day until the violation is remedied, or if criminal charges are brought, fines of up to $10,000 and/or two years imprisonment. These penalties can be imposed against the beneficial owner, the entity, and/or the person completing the report.

While we can do our best to our your questions directly, we highly recommend you visit the following website, for more information or for FAQs to answer your questions. The registration can be found at

We hope that this information is helpful. Due to the many requirements of this new law, our firm is unable to fill out this information for you. Therefore, this is something that you must complete on your own. Please be sure to review all requirements and ensure that you complete the BOI report in a timely manner.



Atherton & Associates, LLP

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California Charitable Organization Audit Requirements

February 06, 2024 | by Atherton & Associates, LLP

Did you know that charitable organizations with gross revenues of $2 million or more must have audited financial statements prepared by an independent CPA? The $2 million threshold excludes grants received from governmental entities.  Understanding the intricate details of audit requirements for nonprofit organizations is crucial to maintain transparency and uphold financial integrity. At Atherton & Associates, we’re committed to helping nonprofits navigate these complexities and ensure compliance with laws and regulations like the Nonprofit Integrity Act of 2004. If your organization falls within the $2 million revenue category excluding governmental grants, it’s essential to have your financial statements audited by an independent CPA. For any questions or if you’d like to discuss the audit requirements and how they apply to your organization, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office. Our expert advisors are always here to assist you. Please call us at 209-577-4800.

Nonprofit Integrity Act of 2004

California Charity Laws & Regulations

National Council of Nonprofits / California Audit Requirements

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IRS releases guidance on PIN requirement for energy efficiency home improvement credit

January 31, 2024 | by RSM US LLP

Executive summary

Notice 2024-13 (Notice) announces that the Department of Treasury (Treasury) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intend to propose regulations to implement the product identification number (PIN) requirement with respect to the energy efficiency home improvement credit under section 25C. The Notice requests comments on the PIN assignment system described in it and the potential provision of PIN information to consumers and the IRS. Comments received will help develop the proposed regulations. Comments must be submitted by Feb. 27, 2024.

IRS releases guidance on PIN requirement for energy efficiency home improvement credit

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) amended the existing credit for energy efficient home improvements under section 25C. In general, the credit is equal to 30% of the aggregate amounts paid for qualifying expenditures. The IRA amended the credit to allow for an increase of up to $1,200 annually for qualifying property placed in service on or after Jan. 1, 2023, and before Jan. 1, 2033. See RSM US LLP’s prior alert on section 25C eligibility and credit calculations IRS releases fact sheet regarding residential energy credits (

The Product Identification Number (PIN) Requirement and requirements for “Qualified Manufacturer”

The IRA added the PIN requirement under section 25C(h). It provides that for property placed in service after Dec. 31, 2024, no credit is allowed under section 25C for an item of specified property unless:

  • The item is produced by a “qualified manufacturer”; and
  • The taxpayer includes the PIN of the item on its tax return for the taxable year.

A manufacturer of specified property will be a “qualified manufacturer” if it enters into an agreement with the Secretary of Treasury (Secretary) confirming it will:

  • Assign a PIN to each item of specified property it produces;
  • Utilize a methodology that will ensure that the PIN assigned is unique to each item;
  • Label the item with the PIN in any manner that the Secretary requires; and
  • Makes periodic written reports to the Secretary of the PINs assigned and any additional information the Secretary requires.

“Specified Property” includes exterior windows (including skylights) and exterior doors. It also includes “qualified energy property” that is defined under section 25C(d)(2). Provided certain statutory requirements are met, this could include:

  • Electric or natural gas heat pump water heater
  • Electric or natural gas heat pump
  • Central air conditioner
  • Natural gas, propane or oil water heater
  • Natural gas, propane or oil furnace or hot water boiler
  • Biomass stove or boiler
  • Oil furnace or hot water boiler

Notice 2022-48

Treasury and the IRS previously issued Notice 2022-48 that requested comments on the “qualified manufacturer” requirements. See RSM US LLP’s prior alert on Notice 2022-48 IRS issues notices to request comments on energy-related incentives ( In reviewing the comments, Treasury and the IRS are concerned that the systems and methodologies suggested to assign serial numbers will result in lack of uniformity, creating processing challenges for the IRS and confusion for consumers claiming the section 25C credit.  In response, Treasury and the IRS have determined it is necessary to develop a system that assigns PINs to each unique item of specified property.

PIN assignment system

Section 4 of the Notice describes a potential PIN assignment system. As envisioned, this PIN assignment system would use 17-digit PINs assigned to each item of specified property that qualify for the section 25C credit. The PIN for each item of specified property would include:

  • a QM Number unique to the qualified manufacturer that would be issued to the qualified manufacturer upon their registration with the IRS;
  • a Product Number unique to the specified property product line that would be issued to the qualified manufacturer;
  • Year of manufacture; and
  • a Item Number that is unique to each item of specified property and is assigned by the qualified manufacturer in a methodology they determine.

The qualified manufacturer would have annual compliance, reporting and recordkeeping requirements. It would be required to stamp or label its products with their PINs. It may also be required to furnish the PINs to each consumer for the consumer to report on their tax returns when the section 25C credit is claimed.

Treasury and IRS are requesting comments that will assist in developing this system.

Washington National Tax takeaways

The potential PIN assignment system is complex. The annual compliance, reporting and recordkeeping requirements for manufacturers could create significant administrative burdens. Interested parties should consider submitting comments to the IRS regarding the practical application of the PIN assignment system. Consumers planning to claim the energy efficient home improvement credit should consult their tax advisors regarding the information necessary to claim the credit.

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Call us at (209) 577-4800 or fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your specific situation.

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This article was written by Deborah Gordon, Sara Hutton, Brent Sabot, Leo Rich and originally appeared on 2024-01-31. Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
© 2024 RSM US LLP. All rights reserved.

RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent assurance, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International.

The information contained herein is general in nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. RSM US LLP guarantees neither the accuracy nor completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for results obtained by others as a result of reliance upon such information. RSM US LLP assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in tax laws or other factors that could affect information contained herein. This publication does not, and is not intended to, provide legal, tax or accounting advice, and readers should consult their tax advisors concerning the application of tax laws to their particular situations. This analysis is not tax advice and is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer.

Posted in Tax

Remote workforces are complicating state tax nexus and withholding

January 25, 2024 | by RSM US LLP

As remote and hybrid work have become institutional factors in business operations and labor markets, an increasing number of organizations have formalized policies governing their employees’ work location.

However, policies that do not consider relevant state and local tax ramifications potentially expose companies to costs and penalties associated with noncompliance.

Whether a business is updating its policy or still developing one, incorporating the following state and local tax considerations may help the organization comply with laws in their jurisdictions and avoid unintended, costly consequences of noncompliance.

Nexus footprint and Public Law 86-272 considerations

A remote workforce can significantly affect a company’s state tax nexus footprint. Specifically, establishing nexus through remote workers could cause new income and franchise tax and sales and use tax obligations if nexus was not previously established in the employee’s resident state.

A company is generally considered to be doing business subject to a state’s tax laws if the company has employees working in the state. Businesses with employees working remotely, if they would have otherwise worked in an office location, could be subject to a state’s tax laws based merely on employees’ presence.

A commuting employee living in a different state than their employer’s location would not normally create nexus for the employer; but as a remote worker, that employee attributes presence to the employer through performance of their duties at home. Importantly, a business can establish nexus through many other mechanisms beyond the presence of employees, including through holding property in the state or based on sales into a state.

Additionally, some businesses may have had nexus in a state but were not subject to an income tax liability because of a federal safe harbor known as Public Law 86-272. This law prohibits a state from imposing a net income tax on a seller’s business activity if it is limited to soliciting orders for sales of tangible personal property. An employee working from their residence may cause the company to lose that protection.

Finally, a remote workforce that establishes nexus for any state tax could create and complicate registration and compliance obligations. Businesses subject to tax in new jurisdictions may result in remarkably different apportionment factors for income tax purposes. Businesses selling taxable goods or services in those jurisdictions may need to start charging and remitting sales tax as well.

Withholding individual income taxes

With remote employee scenarios, businesses must determine where, and in some cases if, they must withhold state and local income taxes.

Generally, individual income tax jurisdiction is governed by an employee’s state of residence or state of employment. However, there are exceptions.

Some states subject a nonresident employee of an in-state employer to tax on 100% of their wages if certain requirements are met under the “convenience of the employer” rule.

Other states and certain localities will subject any employee activity occurring in their jurisdiction to tax. While some bordering states in parts of the U.S. provide for reciprocal individual income tax agreements, most states do not. Navigating the application of nonresident individual income tax rules can be exceedingly complex.

Supporting compliance with human capital management technology

For businesses to remain in compliance with state and local tax laws, they must have up-to-date information about their employees’ remote work locations and the number of hours employees are working there. Human capital management (HCM) applications can support those compliance processes.

Businesses can structure work policies and practices to make it easy for workers to update information themselves into an HCM application. By engineering processes and workflows in an HCM system that’s integrated with the business’s payroll function, the business can capture data correctly and administer it efficiently.

For remote and hybrid employees, an HCM application can also help manage other issues with tax implications, including compensation, benefits, expenses and reimbursements. Those capabilities can enable companies to operationalize remote and hybrid work arrangements as an effective component of their strategy to recruit and retain employees.

The takeaways

Businesses with employees in remote or hybrid work arrangements could be creating new nexus jurisdictions or withholding requirements due to the nature of an employee working from their residence. A state and local tax advisor can help a company understand the complex laws that apply to their specific jurisdictions and circumstances.

An organization that understands how remote and hybrid work arrangements affect their state and local tax footprint may structure their policies to address tax costs. HCM applications can help operationalize those policies by managing the flow and administration of employee data.

When a company’s policies, processes and technology work in harmony, they can support tax compliance and help the organization effectuate its strategy to appeal to workers with the flexibility a remote or hybrid arrangement offers.

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Call us at (209) 577-4800 or fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to discuss your specific situation.

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This article was written by Peter Berard, David Brunori, Mo Bell-Jacobs, Brian Kirkell, Marni Rozen and originally appeared on 2024-01-25. Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
© 2024 RSM US LLP. All rights reserved.

RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent assurance, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International.

The information contained herein is general in nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. RSM US LLP guarantees neither the accuracy nor completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for results obtained by others as a result of reliance upon such information. RSM US LLP assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in tax laws or other factors that could affect information contained herein. This publication does not, and is not intended to, provide legal, tax or accounting advice, and readers should consult their tax advisors concerning the application of tax laws to their particular situations. This analysis is not tax advice and is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer.